Amazing Antarctica in Photos

Written By: Roaming Couples

Antarctica is a dream destination for many. It’s the final frontier, their 7th continent, and last on the bucket list. Once you’ve been everywhere, you’ll want to visit Antarctica. These Antarctica pictures will entice you to finally book that polar expedition.

Amazing Antarctica in Photos

January is the perfect time of year to visit Antarctica. We started our expedition through the Antarctic Peninsula on January 30 and it turned out to be the most incredible time to visit the continent.

Read more of our time in Antarctica

Newly hatched penguins had now grown to adolescence. They developed the most curious nature by the time they had grown a bit. When we’d land on the shore after a good day of kayaking or exploring on the zodiacs, young penguins would waddle over to see what we were up to.

The wildlife of Antarctica was outstanding with whales breaching, seals sleeping, birds flying, and penguins playing right before our eyes. So once we slowed down and settled in, Dave went through his best catalog of the best of Antarctica pictures like this lone penguin below.

antarctica baby penguin
Landscape wildlife photo – adolescent penguin comes over to say hello
antarctica beach
A penguin looks back over the shore of the continent.

We saw penguins everywhere. Most were in flocks of thousands and others simply were walking alone along the coast or floating on an ice sheet in the middle of the sea.

antarctica whale
A beautiful whale breach: This whale stayed with our ship for 45 minutes!

Check out: 11 of the Best Things to do in Antarctica

whale tail
A whale shows off its tail in this amazing whale fluke capture.

Wildlife of Antarctica

antarctica photos seal
Seal basking in the sun
antarctica photos walrus
This guy looks so content!

Can’t get enough of penguins

antarctica photos penguins
The Penguin highway in Antarctica.

Let us be honest with you. Penguins smell. But they are darn cute!

penguin reflection
A penguin checks out his own reflection.

When you land on shore to observe a colony, the stench immediately hits you. It’s a mixture of fish and feces. However, they are so adorable that soon your nose gets used to the smell and you could sit for hours watching them. 

We saw a lot of penguins in Antarctica, but each viewing was as exciting, cute, and fascinating as the first.

penguin rocks
We never tired of penguins in Antarctica.

When visiting the continent you are not allowed to approach penguins closer than 5 meters. But, if you stand or sit very still, they may approach you and that is completely allowed!

dave with baby penguin
antarctica photos birds
A whole lotta penguin love going on.

Old Whaling Stations of Antarctica

antarctica tanks
Old oil drums on abandoned whaling station

Old abandoned whaling stations can be visited when taking an expedition to Antarctica.

antarctica skeleton
Crumbled building on Deception Island

This is a ruin on Deception Island. Back in the day, it was a large whaling station where they slaughtered whales for their oil.

Read: Antarctica or the Arctic? How Do You Choose Your Polar Expedition?

whale bones
Whale bones pieced together to make a full whale carcass. It’s huge!
land mountains
Whale bones are common to see when walking on beach shores at abandoned whaling stations.

Antarctica Pictures

Beautiful layers of blue ice in the icebergs

Many of his stunning Antarctica photos had never seen the light of day due to catching flights and moving onto the next location.

icebergs reflection
Iceberg reflections in the still water
mountains ice
Ice, ice, and more ice

Exploration in Antarctica

antarctica tents
We even camped on the continent of Antarctica.

More Images of Antarctica

antarctica green water
Each day we’d leave the ship to go out and explore by Zodiac.

We spent several days kayaking in Antarctica. It was the most serene and peaceful thing we’ve ever done.

antarctica kayak
Our guide Solen kayaking around an iceberg

There was nothing but the sound of ice crackling and our paddles dipping into the cold water.

We could move silently as to not disturb wildlife and we came very close to seals sleeping on floating ice, penguins jumping and we even had a whale breach right behind our group of 12 paddlers.

Antarctica pictures stormy sky
Beautiful Antarctica ice and skies

Stunning Beauty

antarctica photos sunset
A glorious way to start the day
ice field
Brash ice leads out from an iceberg
antarctica photos iceberg
Snowcapped mountains of Antarctica’s mainland in the distance
antarctica building
A stop at the British Base is a must. You can do some shopping and send a postcard home!
boat tour
The tranquil scenery of Antarctica
Paddling the calm waters of Paradise Bay, Antarctica
antarctica photos ice
Icicles form on a giant iceberg in Antarctica

Our travels to Antarctica were courtesy of Quark Expeditions. The leader in Polar adventures.

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO.

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Allianz - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

About Roaming Couples

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of Roaming Couples. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine, the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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35 thoughts on “Amazing Antarctica in Photos”

    • Thank you! Antarctica is such an amazing destination. It’s difficult to capture the true scope in photos, but we try our best!

  1. Your photos are breathtaking! I’m biking to Patagonia with by boyfriend this year, and I’d love to go to Antarctica if we have enough money left over. He doesn’t think we should to, but these pictures will surely convince him otherwise

  2. Wow those photos are so amazing…especially if you made them into postcards…ever thought of doing that? And the wildlife photos look amazing too…it must have been awesome to visit…

  3. Having just returned from my second trip to Antarctica, I am lapping up these incredible photos! Isn’t it great to still discover great photos from trips of years ago – and great for us that you are sharing them, keep them coming

  4. I like the Antarctic photographs, it looks so peaceful and beautiful. It greatly contrasts with the fierce, harshness of what I’ve read about it there.

  5. Wow! Amazing pictures!
    I have always dreamed of going to Antarctica. Now I definitely know, that this is a place, that I must see some day
    And again – AMAZING pictures!

  6. Wow, indeed. These are some of the most beautiful and spectacular shots I have seen from Antartica. Thank you so much for moving this magnificent continent a bit higher on my bucket list!

    • Wow! Thank you so much Joanne and Joseph. That is a huge compliment as we have seen so many amazing photos from the Continent. It is truly a photographers dream destination.

    • Thanks Don. It was actually quite comfortable sitting at around 5 degrees Celcius. Quark Expeditions also provides parkas for you to keep and warm waterproof boots for use. You stay pretty warm actually.

  7. I love the photo of the little penguin who approached to say hello!

    Antarctica is definitely on my list of places to go…my bucket list includes a stop on every continent

    • Isn’t he a cutie? I was going to lead with that image actually, but then I decided to go with the more dramatic image of the two penguins. I may change it up in the days to come

    • Thanks Claire, it was incredible to see in person. It’s difficult to top Antarctica as a destination. Now whenever anyone asks us what’s our favourite, that is always high on our list.

  8. I’ve always shied away from Antarctica a little due to the cold (I’m a warm weather gal), but these photos helped persuade me. The penguins, especially, as well as all that blue and the icebergs!

    • Hi Katie, it’s honestly not that bad as far as the cold goes because expeditions go in the summer. Plus, Quark Expeditions supplies parkas for you to keep! that are totally warm, and they lend warm waterproof boots for the duration of the cruise. You just have to bring hats, gloves and waterproof pants. Plus all your layers of course. But you surprisingly stay very warm once you are dressed for the weather. And it is so spectacular, you tend to forget the chill in the air.
